AGM Guillermo W. González García
(AGM: Arena Gran Maestro)
Los ajedrecistas de Gran Canaria Guillermo W.
González García (AGM), del Club Ajedrez CADETRA y Agustín Marrero Cárdenes (AGM),
del Club Deportivo de Ajedrez Maspalomas, obtienen las primeras titulaciones de
A.G.M. “Arena Gran Maestro” de
ajedrez Online y de A.F.M. “Arena FIDE
Master” el ajedrecista Agustín Marrero López (AFM), del Club Deportivo de
ajedrez Maspalomas. Titulaciones con homologación de la Federación
Internacional de ajedrez (FIDE), en su programa online que la misma viene
promocionando desde enero de 2015.
AGM Agustín Marreo Cárdenes.
(AGM: Arena Gran Maestro)
Si bien no deja de ser una titulación Online, no es
menos cierto que es y que son las primeras titulaciones internacionales de
Grandes Maestros de Canarias, pasando a ser Guillermo W. González García el primer
ajedrecista Canario, en obtener esta titulación y Agustín Marrero Cárdenes el
segundo de Canarias y primero de San Bartolomé de Tirajana.
AFM Agustín Marrero López
(AFM: Arena FIDE Maestro)
Una vez más la unión de dos clubs
el C.A. CADETRA y El C.D.A. Maspalomas, en su afán de promocionar nuestro
deporte en sus distintas facetas, son pioneros en Canarias de esta actividad
ajedrecistas ONLINE a la que animamos todos los Canarios se unan a ella, habida
cuenta las grandes dificultades burocráticas y de infraestructuras que nos
venimos encontrando por parte de las instituciones para la practica de este
deporte, no sólo en el municipio de San Bartolomé de Tirajana, sino en la Federaciones
Insular de Gran Canaria y Canaria de Ajedrez, teniendo en cuenta que en la
Federación Canaria de Ajedrez no han sido federados más de cuatrocientos
ajedrecistas Gran Canarios y once clubes, haciendo más difícil la evolución
internacional de nuestros ajedrecistas y clubes.
También debo recordar que con esta unión se empezó los proyectos del
Maspalomas, para la promoción de este deporte a través de la consecución de elo
internacional de los ajedrecistas Gran Canarios, a través de sus torneos IRT,
Cerrados, Open y Blitz, donde también en esta última modalidad fue un grupo de
ajedrecistas del CADETRA y del Maspalomas los que fueron pioneros en Canarias
en la homologación de dicha modalidad Internacional, siendo diez ajedrecistas
de Gran Canaria los que entraron entre los cien primeros de España en la
Practica de esta modalidad deportiva a nivel Internacional.
Ajedrez Internacional online (FIDE)
Nos hacemos eco de la nueva Promoción de ajedrez online promovido por la FIDE:
FIDE Online Arena se actualiza con nuevas características y lanza un nuevo período de la promoción para los nuevos miembros se unen en hasta 31 de mayo 2015.
- Los jugadores de ajedrez que ya tienen un número de identificación de la FIDE se benefician de un miembro de pleno derecho hasta el 31 de mayo 2015.
- Los jugadores que no tengan un número de identificación de la FIDE tienen que suscribir la plena adhesión (la cuota anual de los cuales es sólo 25 euros) y, a cambio, su membresía se extiende hasta 31 de mayo 2016.
- GM / WGM e IM / WIM tienen derecho de un curso de la vida libre de la plena adhesión.
FIDE Online Arena nuevas características incluyen:
La alineación de Calificación en los juegos de mesa.
Desde enero de 2015, calificaciones Arena se calculan para incluir la actividad en línea de los jugadores, así como sobre los resultados del juego de mesa. El primer día de cada mes, tan pronto se publican las tradicionales listas de rating FIDE para una rápida y bombardeo, se añade el total sobre el cambio de calificación a bordo (resta de) la calificación del jugador Arena. De esta forma, las calificaciones de Arena se actualizan a un estatus oficial, ya que reflejan la actividad general de un jugador, en línea y sobre el tablero. Calificaciones Arena se utilizarán exclusivamente para las clasificaciones y emparejamientos de torneos online oficiales de la FIDE en línea. Los cálculos de calificaciones Arena son impulsados por la tecnología PremiumChess avanzada.
FIDE titles for the lower rating band
In order to support the players' private online gaming and the active local chess communities, the top players of which have not reached the traditional Master level, FIDE announces the new Arena titles for the average amateur performance between 1100 and 2000 Elo points. These titles can be achieved online by the members of FIDE Online Arena, and obtained by direct paypal payment without any application from the player's National Federation. The titles of Arena Grand Master, Arena International Master, Arena FIDE master and Arena Candidate Master are the same for men and women, they are registered on the player's profile card on FIDE website, and are recognised to be used also for over the board tournament participation. For more information, click here.
Handbook :: B. Permanent Commissions
Handbook :: B. Permanent Commissions
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FIDE introduces and recognises titles designated for the chess players of the lower rating band. Ordered hierarchically from higher to lower status, these titles are:
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Arena Grandmaster (AGM or ag)
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Arena International master (AIM or ai)
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Arena FIDE master (AFM or af)
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Arena Candidate master (ACM or ac)
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FIDE Titles of the lower rating band are designated for players of both genders alike.
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FIDE Titles of the lower rating band can be achieved by playing FIDE rated games in FIDE Online Arena (FOA) playing zone.
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Acquirement of any of these titles is mentioned in the FOA player's card as well as the player's FIDE profile card.
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FIDE Titles of the lower rating band are valid for life, however acquirement of a higher title described in 1.1 replaces any title reference of a lower status.
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These titles are related with the titles for chess players described in section B.01 of the FIDE Handbook. As a result acquirement of the IM/WIM, or GM/WGM has a higher status and replaces any title of the lower rating band in the player's title status.
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Players who have already the titles of GM/WGM and IM/WIM are not eligible for FIDE Titles of the lower rating band.
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FOA members who possess or acquire the FM/WFM or CM/WCM titles are still eligible for FIDE titles of the lower rating band.
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Only full members of FOA have the right to acquire a title of the lower rating band.
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An expired membership does not cancel an already acquired title nor the right of the player to use the title in over the board chess tournaments.
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FIDE Titles of the lower rating band are direct titles (automatic titles). The FOA server monitors automatically the requirements and informs the player for the eligibility for a title as soon as the requirements are met.
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The player acquires the title as soon as the relevant title fee is paid. The player's title status is updated upon confirmation of payment.
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A player is eligible for a title of the lower rating band by maintaining a rating equal to or higher than the relevant minimum threshold for a number of consecutive FOA rated games.
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This achievement can be made in any of the three categories of time control, either rapid, or blitz, or bullet. The number of games is calculated separately for rapid, blitz and bullet. Meeting the requirements in any of the three categories makes a player eligible for the title.
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As soon as a player's rating drops under the threshold, the number of games is reset to zero (0) for this time control category. Number of games in different time control categories are not affected.
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Rating change from over the board rapid and blitz games are incorporated to FOA ratings once every month, as soon as the monthly FIDE rating list is published. This rating change affects the monitoring of FIDE Titles of the lower rating band as if it happened in a single game and counts only as one game.
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Minimum ratings and number of games for each title respectively are:
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Acquirement of a FIDE Title of the lower rating band does not reset the counting of games required for a title of a higher status.
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If a player's membership expires, a player cannot play any rated games and cannot claim any title. His/Her game counters remain inactive.
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Title seekers are advised to renew their membership before expiration date. Upon membership renewal, ratings and game counters are restored.
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A player eligible for a FIDE title of the lower rating band loses his right to acquire the title if his rating falls and remains under the relevant threshold for more than 30 days.
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Title fees
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The title fees for FIDE Titles of the lower rating band are:
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If a player acquires for the first time a FIDE Title of the lower rating band, then the full fee has to be paid.
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If a player upgrades his FIDE Title of the lower rating band with a new one, then the difference of the fees between the two categories has to be paid.
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Fee calculation examples:
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An untitled player is eligible for the ACM title. The title fee is 5 euros.
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An untitled player is eligible for the AIM title. The title fee is 30 euros.
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A ACM is eligible for the AFM title. The title fee is 10 euros.
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A AFM is eligible for the AGM title. The title fee is 35 euros.